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Integration with Binom

Adding an affiliate network to Binom

In the Aff. networks section, add a new network with the following parameters:

  • Name: Lemonad

  • Offer URL template: {offer_url}?clickid={clickid}

  • PostbackURL:

    http: //<YOUR_YOUR_OR_DOMAIN>/click.php?cnv_id={clickid}&payout={payoutOrZero}&cnv_status={status}

Open Advanced Settings, activate Status-payout relation

In the field on the left, set the value payout , in the field on the right - {payout}

Setting up a postback Binom in Lemonad

Go to the profile in your personal account

In the "Global Postback" section, click "Add Postback"

The following fields must be filled in:

  1. In the "URL": link obtained from binom (see previous point, Postback URL field) field

  2. In the "New Leads Status": new field

  3. In the "Status of confirmed leads": approve field

  4. In the "Trash lead status": trash field

  5. In the "Lead rejected status": reject field

  6. In the "Payment status": payout field

Press "Save"

Landing page setup

Go to the offer page in Lemonad, in the "Promo materials" section and click on "Landing"

Step 2

Download and unzip the landing pages you need.


Step 3

On the offer page, download the lemon.php file, mark it in the archive with the landing page


Step 4

Rename index.html to index.php

Step 5

In the index.html file find the <form> tag

In the action field, insert the value lemon.php

Next, paste the following code inside the form and save the file

<input type='hidden' name='utm_source' value='<?= $_GET['utm_source'];?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='utm_content' value='<?= $_GET['utm_content'];?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='utm_campaign' value='<?= $_GET['utm_campaign'];?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='utm_term' value='<?= $_GET['utm_term'];?>'>
<input type='hidden' name='clickid' value='<?= $_GET['clickid'];?>'>

If you are affiliate network, you can pass the internal id of your webmasters.

<input type='hidden' name='externalWebmasterId' value='<?= $_GET['externalWebmasterId'];?>'>

Pre-landing page setup

Go to the offer page in Lemonad, in the "Promo materials" section and click on "Landing", download the required pre-land from Yandex disk or ask your manager

Go to Binom, copy the Click URL located along the path: Settings =>Tracking links => Click URL

Open the index.html file in the code editor, in all links of the <a href=”#”> format, instead of # set the Click URL copied in the previous step.

Adding landing pages to Binom

Upload Landing and Pre-landing to the server

In the Offers tab, add a landing page:

Adding Pre-landing pages to Binom

Go to Landings => Create

In the create menu, enter:

  • Name

  • Path to prelanding

Save Changes

Campaign Creation

Go to Campaigns => Create

In the campaign creation menu, enter:

  • Name

  • Traffic source

  • Type - CPA, payout - Auto

  • Choose a domain

  • Add created landings and pre-landers

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