Create flow
Video contains description how to create flow.
Step 1
Enter your Dashboard, then go to offers section.

Step 2
Click on the offer name for which flow will be created.
Step 3
In offer details click on the button: Create flow.

Step 4
Perform the following actons in form to create a flow:
Enter the flow name.
Select prelanding(s). Selected prelandings will lead users to landing page(s). (Optional field)
Select landing page(s).
To preview the landing / pre-landing page, click on the Preview button.
Rotator field creates all sorts of combinations of selected landings and prelandings. You can exclude unnecessary options by unchecking the checkbox.
You can set up a counter to track your traffic. You can choose from Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Tik Tok Pixel. To receive data, you need to configure the counter. It can be configured by entering the corresponding ID tracker or enter the GET parameter from which the value for the tracker will be taken. If there is no check mark, then write id and we will add it to the landing / pre-landing page. If there is a check mark, then set the GET parameter from which your value for the tracker will be taken.
To set a dynamic pixel, or if you need to set multiple pixels for a single stream:
Select Get parameter and set variable name, save changes

Click constructor link

Set the pixel ID, it will be displayed in the finished link. Copy link (no data saved)

If necessary, you can change the pixels directly in the link
To save the stream, click the Save button.
After saving, the stream is added to the offer card and to the streams section. You can send traffic using the generated link.