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Domain parking

Lemonad provides the ability to park your domain in our flow system. This may be required when the domain name is blocked on social platforms or in the absence of a cloak. It is also considered that a domain name corresponding to an advertising product is more attractive to the end user than one that is not associated with it in any way.

Domain parking is done by adding a DNS record of the CNAME type in your domain management, after which the flows created for offers will open on your domain. The final link will look like , where is your domain, FLOW is the flow id given by the system.

Within 24 hours after a domain is successfully parked, a https certificate will be issued to it and all requests to http will be redirected to https. If after this time the certificate has not been issued or the domain opens with an error, contact your manager.

Warning! It may take from 4 to 24 hours for dns records to update, depending on the DNS server you are using.

Domain parking instructions:

Step 1

If you don't have a domain, then get one.

Step 2

In the domain dns record management, add a new record of the CNAME type, set the value to, specify the subdomain you want to use, TTL (if any) - 1 hour (3600 seconds).

Step 3

Go to the domains section in your Lemonad account.

Step 4

Click the add domain button, enter the domain name.

Step 5

Click Save

After adding a domain to Lemonad, it will appear in your list of domains. The Domain status column will show the status of your domain. When you click on a link in a cell, you can re-request the status. As soon as the status has changed to Valid, it means that the largest DNS servers (Google/Cloudflare/Quad6) have updated the dns records for your domain and you can use it in flows

you're creating a flow, you can select the domain by which the flow will be opened.

In the “Flows” section, a new flow will appear, with the domain you specified.

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