Public API
This REST API provides access to data about leads and offers. Authentication is required by passing a token in the X-Token header, which can be obtained from the user's profile on their account dashboard. The number of requests is limited to 100 per minute.
It allows you to:
Request account balance
Get a list of leads
Get a list of offers
Request a list of payment systems
Get information about payments
Contact the manager to get access to API
Required parameters for passing API:
Description | Parameter |
Webmaster Token | X-Token |
Phone | phone |
Name | name |
URL | |
Offer ID | offerId |
Additional fields:
Description | Parameter |
Local clickid | localClickid |
Lead ID (assigned by our system) | leadid |
Lead status | status |
Click ID (assigned by a third-party system) | clickid |
Campaign ID | utmCampaign |
utmContent | utmContent |
Webmaster ID | externalWebmasterId |
Buyer ID | utmMedium |
Global traffic source | utmSource |
Used to specify keywords | utmTerm |