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1. When can I order a payout.

Payments are made on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Request for payment must be received BEFORE 16:00 Moscow time

2. Where to find a manager and how to contact.

The manager can be found by writing to us in telegram @CPA_LemonAD

All contacts of the manager can be found at the top of the interface, when hovering over the name

3. How to set up a landing and other technical issues.

In the Help section, you can find detailed instructions on setting up APIs / streams / integration with trackers, etc. (If you did not find the question of interest, please write to the manager)

4. Is it necessary to create streams where to find the hash.

To pour via API, you do not need to create streams, there is no stream hash. All lead processing takes place using the lemon.php file. It can be downloaded from the offer card. It is enough to put the file into the archive with the landing.

5. Doubles, what is it:

A double is a phone number that got into our system for one offer within 24 hours (regardless of the webmaster).

6.How to get all lead statuses in the tracker (especially duplicates)

Initially, duplicate leads are not shown in the webmaster's office and postback is not sent.

  • In order for duplicates to be displayed in detail, you must enable the switch, which is located: Profile => General

  • In order for postbacks to be sent on duplicates, you must enable the switch, which is located: Profile => Global postback and API

7. How to reduce the number of duplicates and spam in general?

Use a hint above the input field (code + number of digits), be sure to remove character restrictions, so you can reduce the amount of trash

8. Why is 0 put down after the code and how to avoid it?

0 in many countries is prescribed when buying a SIM card (instead of the country code)
It's like a guess as to where it comes from. If there is a character limit in the input field, then 0 is substituted and the number is truncated. If there are no input restrictions, then the number is still not valid for the call center and this can only be corrected by resending the lead

9. What leads get spammed - a list of reasons

A list of reasons can be requested from the CC

10. What is the difference between GLOBAL and LOCAL postback

Global postback applies to all offers, it can be set: Profile => Global postback and API.

Local postback applies only to a specific offer. The postback is set in the offer card.

More details can be found in the settings section.

11. Required parameters for passing API

url -

name - name,

phone - phone,

Offer ID - offerId,

Webmaster token - X-Token

12. We added the ability to access the public API, it allows you to track your balance and get a list of leads and offers. Contact the manager to gain access to the API

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