How it works:
If a visitor, while on the landing page or pre-landing page (depending on where the script is located), clicks on the “Back” button, he will be redirected to a showcase with creatives that lead to Lemonad offers.
If a visitor places an order for one of the offers from the showcase and the order is confirmed, you will receive a reward of 100% of the default rate for this offer.
You can track the amount of profit in the "Statistics" section.

Monetization connection is possible in two ways
Connecting via API
Connecting via Streams
Please note that pre-monetization is available only on certain GEOs (check with your manager)
List of available GEOs (Pre-monetization “Lemonad“)
The list applies to the FLOW and API
India | Malaysia |
Colombia | Philippines |
Mexico | Republic of South Africa |
Peru | Singapore |
Guatemala | Slovakia |
Thailand | Indonesia |
Vietnam | Iraq |
Kenya | Argentina |
Bolivia | Chile |
Costa Rica | Ecuador |
Honduras | Nigeria |
Salvador | Tanzania |
Morocco | Nepal |
Ivory Coast | Paraguay |
Uganda | Senegal |
Cameroon | Tunisia |
Algeria | Panama |
Libya | Angola |
Dominicana |
You can connect monetization by inserting a special script BEFORE the html tag </body>
First method: When you go to the “back” page
When a visitor clicks on the "back" button, a showcase with goods will open. You will be charged a commission if the visitor performs the target action. Income will be reflected in the statistics.
The current script can also be connected to the "thank you" page.
For this you need:
Go to offer page
Copy script
Insert script BEFORE html

The second way: When you click on the link on the PRE-LANDING
When clicking on any link on the prelanding, the user will be moved to a new tab with the landing. In the place of the prelanding will open a storefront with products.
For this you need:
Go to offer page
Copy script
Insert script BEFORE html

List of available GEOs (Oneprofit)
Argentina | Armenia | Azerbaijan |
Belarus | Bulgaria | Cambodia |
Chile | Colombia | Czech |
Egypt | Estonia | France |
Georgia | Germany | Greece |
Hungary | India | Indonesia |
Italy | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Latvia | Lithuania | Malaysia |
Mexico | Moldova | Peru |
Philippines | Poland | Portugal |
Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia |
Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia |
Spain | Thailand | Turkey |
Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Vietnam |
You can connect monetization when creating a flow:
Go to the offer
Click the create flow button
In the flow settings section, make sure that Limonad is selected in the pre-monetization field, the parameter is set automatically when creating a flow
Save the flow with monetization